About us
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Technical skills as well as sound and consistent investment policies – where the latest technologies and know how are concerned – that is the foundation of our company. We wish to be known as a reliable business partner in all our business activities, as someone who delivers excellent products at usual market prices.
Terms Of Delivery
We supply by metaalunie conditions, please refer to the website of the metal union, http://metaalunie.nl/actueel/metaalunievoorwaarden.
M. den Oudsten Buigwerken is proud of being a good, reliable manufacturer of high-quality products. Due to our extensive, multi-faceted and unique machinery, we are a recognized training company that is able to train apprentices at a high level so they become great experts in their fields. Our high-quality machinery and our experts enable us to perform an exact geometry control, so our products are nearly always within tolerance limits. Since 2014 we have been entitled to stamp our products according to Lloyd’s and since 2015 certified according to EN 1090-1 EXC 3.